Tag ssh
SSH to EC2 instances via AWS Lambda
An interesting approach - but I wonder why you'd implement like so (requiring SSH usage) instead of the Systems Manager's run-command
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/walkthrough-cli.html ?
Recommended read: SSH to EC2 instances via AWS Lambda https://www.transposit.com/blog/2019.12.18-using-lambda-as-an-ssh-proxy/
Public SSH keys can leak your private infrastructure
An interesting look at how using one key for everything (SSH to servers, SSH for git hosting, etc) can be a Bad Thing™
Recommended read: Public SSH keys can leak your private infrastructure https://rushter.com/blog/public-ssh-keys/
Specify a specific SSH private key for git pull/git clone
Recommended read: Specify a specific SSH private key for git pull/git clone https://ma.ttias.be/specify-a-specific-ssh-private-key-for-git-pull-git-clone/
Recommended read: SSH Handshake Explained https://gravitational.com/blog/ssh-handshake-explained/
Recommended read: Yubikeys for SSH Auth https://www.engineerbetter.com/blog/yubikey-ssh/
This is a great writeup about how to harden your SSH setup using 2-factor authentication. Would really recommend it!
Recommended read: Hardening SSH with 2fa https://gist.github.com/lizthegrey/9c21673f33186a9cc775464afbdce820
Sharing Multiple SSH Sessions over the Same Network Socket (3 mins read).
Reusing network sockets for speed and reduction of authentication handshakes with OpenSSH.