Tag security


How our security team handle secrets

This is a really interesting post to hear how some other folks in a similar environment to us manage their secrets.

It's always cool to see how other folks are doing similar things, anyway, and as usual, Monzo have a great blog post.

Recommended read: How our security team handle secrets https://monzo.com/blog/2019/10/11/how-our-security-team-handle-secrets/


The PGP Problem

This is a really interesting article about the flaws in PGP - I don't have enough security backing and understanding to argue it, but it sounds legitimate. It's a surprise this isn't being talked about more if it is as bad as it is

Recommended read: The PGP Problem https://latacora.micro.blog/2019/07/16/the-pgp-problem.html


Thoughtbot's Application Security Guide

I found this when listening to episode 194 of the Bike Shed podcast: My PGP Shame. I'd only added this episode to my playlist as it was an interesting title, but listening to it, it was even better than I thought.

There was some great stuff in there about Thoughtbot's application security guide, linked, which is a definite must-read.

My favourite quote of the episode, though, is the following exchange:

I've got to be honest, how does anything work at all? Oh computers don't work

Recommended read: Thoughtbot's Application Security Guide https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/blob/master/security/application.md


Hardening SSH with 2fa

This is a great writeup about how to harden your SSH setup using 2-factor authentication. Would really recommend it!

Recommended read: Hardening SSH with 2fa https://gist.github.com/lizthegrey/9c21673f33186a9cc775464afbdce820