Tag java


`@API` Guardian

Found this out today, via a colleague, as a good way for your Java library to expose information about the API stability / intent behind classes.

Recommended read: `@API` Guardian https://github.com/apiguardian-team/apiguardian


#Java friends testing using #RestAssured, you may enjoy my article https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/05/18/rest-assured-curl/ which can help you convert its logs to curl requests, for cases you need to do some manual testing, too


Records Come to Java

Meant to share this a couple of weeks ago - this is really great, and was very timely after a presentation from a colleague about #Kotlin, and the fact that the data class that Kotlin has is very cool. Still a while away from my own Java code but interesting nonetheless!

Recommended read: Records Come to Java https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/records-come-to-java


First look at Cloud Native Buildpacks support in Spring Boot 2.3 Milestone 1

This is very cool. I've been thinking about containerising my personal APIs for this site, and I guess this would remove a lot of the work! Looking forward to playing with this once it's released.

Recommended read: First look at Cloud Native Buildpacks support in Spring Boot 2.3 Milestone 1 https://medium.com/@TimvanBaarsen/first-look-at-cloud-native-buildpacks-support-in-spring-boot-2-3-milestone-1-ece8e72ed93f


Records Come to Java

This is very interesting to hear just days after a colleague gives a compelling introduction to Kotlin of which one key selling point (to me at least) is reducing boilerplate for Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) that are effectively data-only objects.

That being said, it's still a way off compared to Java 8, and could be nice to try out Kotlin a bit more.

Recommended read: Records Come to Java https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/records-come-to-java