Tag indiewebcamp


Happy birthday to me! A lovely start to the morning opening cards with a champagne flute of Tango, with the wonderful https://annadodson.co.uk and #Morph

If you visit my site today you'll notice birthday balloons that I copied from Aaron Parecki this weekend at #IndieWebCamp London

Three birthday cards on a tray, circling a champagne flute that looks like it is full of bucks fizz but is actually Tango


Been a great day at #IndieWebCamp London - thanks for some great conversations. Got several things I may work on at tomorrow's hack day, so will have to see what I end up doing



It's about time to demo my personal website at #IndieWebCamp London - I've got some pre-written notes about what I want to talk about on https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWC_London_Site_demos although some of you who know me will know I can talk for ages about my site and the #IndieWeb!


Very excited for #IndieWebCamp London tomorrow - it may not be in person due to #coronavirus but the IndieWebCamp events are built to be remote friendly - and regardless of where we are it'll be a great time. We are a distributed bunch, after all


I will be attending IndieWebCamp Amsterdam on

I'm looking forward to my first IndieWebCamp, as well as visiting Amsterdam again with Anna. We're planning on taking a couple days' holiday post-IWC, so that should be really nice too!