Tag events


🇵🇹 WebSummit 2019

A great writeup of a huge event - when I went a few years ago I was bowled over by how much time I'd need to spend to see everything I wanted to (hint: it was more than the few days I was there)

Recommended read: 🇵🇹 WebSummit 2019 http://pawlean.com/2019/11/10/websummit-2019/


DDD East Midlands 2019 In Review

Such a great, in-depth writeup! I'd not been able to make it to many of the sessions so this is super helpful

Recommended read: DDD East Midlands 2019 In Review https://blog.craigtp.co.uk/Post/2019/11/01/DDD_East_Midlands_2019_In_Review


Meetup Mates

Dominique shared this at DevOpsDays London, and it's a really great idea.

Because it can be difficult attending meetups on your own, Dominique and co have set up a community that makes it possible to meet folks before a meetup, maybe have a drink and a chat, and then head over together.

It has made a huge difference to folks wanting to attend, and has given people a lower barrier to attending an event, because they'll be able to chat to others on Slack before they go, so it won't be as awkward.

This is something that Tech Nottingham and Women in Tech Nottingham do, where before the event there will be some folks meeting at the Theatre Royal, and then they can walk over together, getting a chance to meet others.

Several of the organisers in the Nottingham tech scene chatted with Dominique about this at DevOpsDays, and we'll be looking to see if we can roll it out in Nottingham, too.

Anna has started to use her /events/ page as a way to help others see what events she's attending and for others to join her, too, and I think I'm going to be copying her and doing similar to make it easier for folks to see what upcoming events I'm attending.

Recommended read: Meetup Mates https://www.meetup-mates.com



Completely agree with this, as a meetup organiser, and would go one step further to say if you're able to RSVP if you're not coming that'd help too, otherwise there's the assumption you'll turn up, especially if you're a regular!

Recommended read: RSVP Rant https://www.danclarke.com/rsvp-rant


I want to say a big thanks for everyone who came to https://phpminds.org this evening to hear my talk about the IndieWeb!

I hope you all got something out of the talk and it's encouraged you to look into it a bit more - come along to https://www.jvt.me/events/homebrew-website-club-nottingham/ for more IndieWeb + personal website building.

I'm looking forward to getting a blog post out, covering it, but that may have to wait until I give the talk at https://oggcamp.org in October.



This is a really great post! I think it was Jess Rose's talk about it where I realised it was a thing and not just something I felt. Talking about it and making others aware of it is good, and I'm definitely going to steal some of her coping strategies

Recommended read: https://carolgilabert.me/blog/impostor-syndrome https://carolgilabert.me/blog/impostor-syndrome



Great post by Luke about how we should be more inclusive in events and whether alcohol-oriented is the nicest message for those wanting to get involved.

Recommended read: https://lukeb.co.uk/2019/05/15/your-event-probably-shouldn-t-be-in-a-pub/ https://lukeb.co.uk/2019/05/15/your-event-probably-shouldn-t-be-in-a-pub/