Creating a 'Firehose' Feed

If you visit my site, you'll notice that I'm big on the IndieWeb, and owning my own data.

This means that my site is my castle, and I aim to publish here, first, before publishing elsewhere. However, that means my site serves two purposes - as a home for my blog posts and collection of Blogumentation posts, and as the base for all my social interactions.

For a while now, I've been wondering about whether having my home page showing all the likes, replies, etc is meaningful, or if folks trying to find my site really care.

Given I like a lot of things on Twitter, those just flood the feed, and get in the way of other, maybe more meaningful content, such as my own thoughts, or an RSVP to an upcoming event.

So last night I set up a "firehose" feed which can be found at /all/, and contains literally all the content on my site. It is expected to be much nosier, and likely contain things you don't care as much about like how many steps I did yesterday or all those likes I post.

Hopefully this helps make it easier for you as a reader to follow my site, and not get waylaid with content you don't like.

If the feed still isn't quite enough, you can subscribe to a feed of specific post kinds that you're interested in.

Currently I've only just done this for my Microformats2 feed, not my RSS/JSON feeds, as my Microformats2 feed is my preferred feed for consumers.

This was pretty straightforward to set up using Hugo, as I was able to create a new Section in the site, all, which uses the list template to generate the listing for all the pages.

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

Content for this article is shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International, and code is shared under the Apache License 2.0. #indieweb #feed #hugo.


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