Thanks GitLab for the Swag!

In May last year, GitLab was running a competition where they wanted to find out what folks' contribution graphs looked like, in terms of how they used the platform:

When I saw it about a month later, I replied with my contribution graphs:

I enjoyed showing off my graph, as I use GitLab a tonne for all of my projects - for project management of my site and projects, as well as the actual code contributions. It's pretty cool, and I like how active I am.

As mentioned, the use of automated scripts pushing to GitLab removed some of the magic of it, but it was still a large amount of contributions over the year, which was pretty good.

But the icing on the cake was my name was drawn and I won the giveaway! This was the second time in two years that I'd got GitLab swag credit (the first was due to my blogging about GitLab), which is pretty cool. But even nicer was that it was another very generous $150!

I wanted to get some good swag, but at the time I looked most stuff was out of stock or not being sold, so I set it aside and would come back later. After quite a few months of not ordering I got a little panicked and at the start of February I ordered it - which was lucky, as there was some great swag available.

Here's me wearing my new comfy tracksuit bottoms and pyjama socks:

GitLab tracksuit bottoms and GitLab pyjama socks

Thanks again GitLab - I really appreciate it! Free stuff is the best sort of stuff 😍

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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