Auto-linking URLs with Hugo (2 mins read).
How to get URLs automagically converted to links in Hugo, using Regular Expressions.
Auto-linking URLs with Hugo (2 mins read).
How to get URLs automagically converted to links in Hugo, using Regular Expressions.
This is an interesting read - I'm a big fan of TDD but a few things here hold true
Recommended read: Against TDD
I will not be attending IndieWebCamp NYC on
This would be cool, but don't think I'll be able to do two IndieWebCamps in a row, especially across the world!
I will not be attending Homebrew Website Club SF! on
The POSSE to Twitter looks great! But unfortunately I won't be able to make it all that way
Nothing like a fire alarm when you're fast asleep to get the blood moving..
Proposing a Microformats2 Markup for Licensing Information (7 mins read).
Some recommendations for how to mark up licensing information with Microformats, for making license information machine-discoverable and machine-readable.
Let’s write more blog posts: an experiment
#10MoreBlogPosts sounds like a great initiative - hope that it'll help get more folks into blogging.
I've found it's really helped me personally since starting to work on blogumentation (blogging as a form of self-documentation )
Recommended read: Let’s write more blog posts: an experiment
It's been an awesome day at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam!
The afternoon was chatting about licenses and ownership, then looking at how to migrate folks from silos to IndieWeb with a long term strategy, then some discussions about events, RSVPs and calendars, and finally all things syndication.
Got some great discussions, and lots of interesting things to play with tomorrow at the hack day!
Interesting start to the morning at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam - we've spoken about accessibility of the Web and IndieWeb, and about how private posts and privacy should work
I'm really enjoying the intros at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam. Its nice to see the range of websites, the technology usages, and that some folks are posting while they're talking while others haven't touched their sites in years.
It's an exciting chance to get reinvigorated!
I will be attending IndieWebCamp Amsterdam on
En route to my first IndieWebCamp (Amsterdam) after a great couple of days at DevOpsDays London.
I'm really looking forward to meeting some folks and talking about owning more of my little corner of the Web, and meeting the faces behind the websites I frequent!
Yesterday I met someone who, after my talk Overengineering Your Personal Website at last year's DevOpsDays London, started building their own website. That's awesome! 🙌🏼
Recommended read: Goodbye, Foodcritic
I will be attending How to be productive (even when your health is working against you) on
This is such an awesome touch, I think this may be entering my wish list!
Recommended read: Echo Wall Clock
Pushing your Git Branches to a Matching Remote Branch (1 mins read).
How to save yourself from typing git push --set-upstream origin ${branch}
and have Git determine the branch you're pushing to.
Software Security Field Guide for the Bewildered
Recommended read: Software Security Field Guide for the Bewildered
Testing Your SLF4J Logs (3 mins read).
Looking at how we would unit test our SLF4J logs to gain confidence they work, and to catch regressions in the future.
Viewing Logs for a systemd Unit with journalctl
(1 mins read).
How to view the logs for a given unit, using systemd and journalctl
Recommended read: A love letter to my website
I will not be attending DevOps Notts - September 2019 on
But I also have some tweaks to make sure I render a title for /mf2/ entries, as currently search doesn't help as it's just an empty string returned for things that match
I think at tonight I'm going to write a how-to for setting up your first h-card, similar to
Why LeedsJS Doesn't Have A Q&A Any More
Recommended read: Why LeedsJS Doesn't Have A Q&A Any More
Setting up a custom RubyGems Repository for Chef in Test Kitchen (1 mins read).
How to use a private RubyGems repository for your Chef gem dependencies in Test Kitchen.
Overriding Test Kitchen Driver Configuration (1 mins read).
How to override specific configuration in Test Kitchen's project-specific .kitchen.yml
Starting off the week nicely with a massage. May have napped through a little bit 😴
How Many Gadgets Does the Kitchen Need?! The Many Tools for Chef Dependency Management (5 mins read).
Looking at the different dependency management solutions of Chef, and how, where and why you would use each one.
I've just seen in my GitLab repo's issues that I've had an issue raised about my CI/CD configuration (
This seems like a great solution to try and find common issues in pipelines.
Recommended read: cd-linter
Adding RSVP Support for Indie Events (1 mins read).
Adding RSVP support to my Micropub endpoint for Indie events.
I will be attending Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham on
I will be attending Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham on
I will be attending Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham on
Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging)
This is a great article about how to be safer when writing shell scripts. I am a huge proponent of not using them where possible, and instead moving them to another scripting language (Ruby, Python, Node) which you can test, and use a shared standard library.
Recommended read: Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging)
Sending Webmentions Automagically on Deploys of the static website (4 mins read).
The journey to getting Webmentions sending automatically from my static website,
Justin talks us through the ability to retiring old systems being a really important capability for a company, making sure that it doesn't impact the users.
Recommended read: Rate of Successful Retire
Google Has My Dead Grandpa’s Data And He Never Used The Internet
This is a very interesting read - privacy and data ownership is quite familiar to those of us who have been using tech for some meaningful amount of our lives, but what about those who've never touched the Internet, but have suddenly found their data is being collected and owned by someone, somewhere?
Recommended read: Google Has My Dead Grandpa’s Data And He Never Used The Internet
I'm happy to announce that all three instances of Homebrew Website Club Nottingham in October are going to be dedicated to Hacktoberfest! This is super exciting, and I'm hoping to possibly get some extra swag for it.
I hope you're able to come along and contribute back to some of the projects we're all using for our websites, or maybe find something new to play with for your site.
I'll also be looking to create a blog post about what Hacktoberfest is and why you should get involved - keep an eye out!
Extracting Request Parameters Dynamically for a application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request (1 mins read).
How to access all key-value pairs of parameters sent in a application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Extracting Request Parameters Dynamically for a multipart/form-data
Request (2 mins read).
How to access all key-value pairs of parameters sent in a multipart/form-data
Adding a 404 page for on Netlify, with Hugo (1 mins read).
Announcing a swanky new 404 page for
Custom 404 page in Hugo on Netlify
Recommended read: Custom 404 page in Hugo on Netlify
Converting Ruby Hash keys to Strings/Symbols (2 mins read).
How to recursively convert a Ruby Hash's keys to a String / Symbol.
Merging an 'Override' Ruby Hash into the Original Hash (6 mins read).
How to use Ruby to merge two hashes with nested arrays of hashes, with the second hash overriding values from the first.
How to put an HTML page on the internet
Recommended read: How to put an HTML page on the internet
I want to say a big thanks for everyone who came to this evening to hear my talk about the IndieWeb!
I hope you all got something out of the talk and it's encouraged you to look into it a bit more - come along to for more IndieWeb + personal website building.
I'm looking forward to getting a blog post out, covering it, but that may have to wait until I give the talk at in October.
Bookmark of Marissa's notes from NottsTest about testing in DevOps
Recommended read: Bookmark of Marissa's notes from NottsTest about testing in DevOps
I will be attending Tech Nottingham September 2019 - Working Smart on