Introducing a Microformats API for Eventbrite:
(3 mins read).
Announcing the Microformats translation layer for events.
Introducing a Microformats API for Eventbrite:
(3 mins read).
Announcing the Microformats translation layer for events.
Reckon accounting software crippled to force subscription upgrades
Recommended read: Reckon accounting software crippled to force subscription upgrades
Writing Documentation via Contract Testing
Recommended read: Writing Documentation via Contract Testing
Pack Your Bags – Systemd Is Taking You To A New Home
This is a great, fairly well balanced, look at the latest proposal from about user management on Linux systems. An interesting proposal with pros and cons - it'll be interesting to see what comes of it.
Recommended read: Pack Your Bags – Systemd Is Taking You To A New Home
The (Real) 11 Reasons I Don’t Hire You
Recommended read: The (Real) 11 Reasons I Don’t Hire You
A Thorough Introduction to PASETO
Recommended read: A Thorough Introduction to PASETO
Why we moved our servers to Iceland · Simple Analytics
Recommended read: Why we moved our servers to Iceland · Simple Analytics
UK's controversial 'porn blocker' plan dropped
Recommended read: UK's controversial 'porn blocker' plan dropped
Great to see that has realised the error in their ways, even if it was only meant for a small group (but not written as such)
I still think there's some lasting damage there and we should still be looking to build open platforms.
When should you warn people about content at an event?
Recommended read: When should you warn people about content at an event?
Without encryption, we will lose all privacy. This is our new battleground
Recommended read: Without encryption, we will lose all privacy. This is our new battleground
This is a great post by about the awesome tech community we have in Nottingham and why its such a lovely place to be personally and professionally.
Recommended read: The Nottingham Tech Community
Happy #PronounsDay! My pronouns are he/him/his, and you can read them programmatically on my website (using #Microformats), as described in
It's super important to make them visible so folks everywhere are more comfortable sharing their pronouns
Listing the Contents of a Java Truststore (3 mins read).
How to extract a list of trusted certificates from a Java Trust store.
Recommended read: Yubikeys for SSH Auth
Recommended read: Stupid UNIX Tricks
Modding, Vim, i3, and Efficiency
I've found that I can use Vim for just about everything I do day-to-day (be it personal or professional work) but just not with Java. I feel I need too much of IntelliJ's functionality, and that's OK! I'm happy to admit that it is a better experience for me.
Recommended read: Modding, Vim, i3, and Efficiency
Reversing private APIs, Safeway, and not-so-extreme couponing
Recommended read: Reversing private APIs, Safeway, and not-so-extreme couponing
Convert cURL Requests to Python `requests` library
Recommended read: Convert cURL Requests to Python `requests` library
Don't Put Fat Jars in Docker Images
Recommended read: Don't Put Fat Jars in Docker Images
Recommended read: alternatives
With the recent news of increasing prices for organisers this is great to see the alternatives mapped out!
Recommended read: alternatives
Is a Tech Company Ever Neutral?
Recommended read: Is a Tech Company Ever Neutral?
Recommended read: A new rebel's experience
I wore a T-Shirt demanding Inclusivity at a Tech Conference and this is what happened
Recommended read: I wore a T-Shirt demanding Inclusivity at a Tech Conference and this is what happened
This is a great resource for how to replace the term "guys" with an inclusive alternative
Recommended read: "Hey Guys"
Dominique shared this at DevOpsDays London, and it's a really great idea.
Because it can be difficult attending meetups on your own, Dominique and co have set up a community that makes it possible to meet folks before a meetup, maybe have a drink and a chat, and then head over together.
It has made a huge difference to folks wanting to attend, and has given people a lower barrier to attending an event, because they'll be able to chat to others on Slack before they go, so it won't be as awkward.
This is something that Tech Nottingham and Women in Tech Nottingham do, where before the event there will be some folks meeting at the Theatre Royal, and then they can walk over together, getting a chance to meet others.
Several of the organisers in the Nottingham tech scene chatted with Dominique about this at DevOpsDays, and we'll be looking to see if we can roll it out in Nottingham, too.
Anna has started to use her /events/ page as a way to help others see what events she's attending and for others to join her, too, and I think I'm going to be copying her and doing similar to make it easier for folks to see what upcoming events I'm attending.
Recommended read: Meetup Mates
DevOpsDays London 2019 (63 mins read).
A writeup of the DevOpsDays London conference, and the talks and Open Spaces I attended.
Getting git diff
Outputs Without a Prefix (1 mins read).
How to remove a/
and b/
from git diff
How our security team handle secrets
This is a really interesting post to hear how some other folks in a similar environment to us manage their secrets.
It's always cool to see how other folks are doing similar things, anyway, and as usual, Monzo have a great blog post.
Recommended read: How our security team handle secrets
Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
Recommended read: Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
Moving Teams after Three Years (4 mins read).
Announcing my move between teams at Capital One, and looking back over three years in my previous team.
Diagnosing my Slow Netlify Deploy Times (2 mins read).
How I managed to shave off 7 minutes of my deploy time, (in true clickbait fashion) just by removing one line of code.
The Web Can't Survive a Monoculture
This is a great article on why we can't just let Google Chrome / Chromium take over the Web, and need to fight for other alternatives.
But as well as looking at the browsers, we need to look to the platforms too. If everyone ie uses Twitter, then Twitter are less likely to make changes because no one has an alternative. Whereas when we have multiple viable options, folks can jump around and use better platforms if they exist.
The IndieWeb is looking to do this - check out for a bit more info
Recommended read: The Web Can't Survive a Monoculture
Day trip to London tomorrow, so 4+ hours on the train - hoping to finish my writeup of DevOpsDays London as it was a great conference and I'd love to share it with y'all!
I guess you could say I'm officially a Go developer now that I've made this tiny contribution to Hugo!
On Panic Attacks (3 mins read).
Remembering my first (and so far only) panic attack.
Had a very exciting end to the week.
I'm looking forward to sharing some news on Monday - keep an eye out for a blog post!
Apple Successfully Implements OpenID Connect with Sign In with Apple
This is very good news - open standards like OpenID Connect (OIDC) make interoperability and integration easier, so hats off to Apple!
Recommended read: Apple Successfully Implements OpenID Connect with Sign In with Apple
IndieWebCamp Amsterdam 2019 (19 mins read).
Recapping my time at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam, my first 'official' IndieWeb event, and meeting some of the big names in the community.
So very close to having my IWC Amsterdam blog post finished before WIT Notts - may have to see if I can get the last bit sorted before the talks start!
Blog service workers and the chicken and the egg
Recommended read: Blog service workers and the chicken and the egg
Logs were our lifeblood. Now they're our liability
This is an interesting post, and is an important one to think about. We need to remember that although now we've got lax data privacy / retention laws, it's only going to get more user-focused and protect everyone more (which is universally a good thing!) but that we need to make sure we're architecting things in the right way to handle this.
Also, while you're thinking about this - have a read through some production logs and wonder "what could a bad actor do with these? Could they phish a customer? Could they steal their identity? Or are these so useless that we may as well not be logging anything at all?"
Recommended read: Logs were our lifeblood. Now they're our liability
#Hacktoberfest PR #3 complete! - another productive #HomebrewWebsiteClub, and I even managed to support some other repos + get some stuff ready for maybe number 4
Completely agree with this, as a meetup organiser, and would go one step further to say if you're able to RSVP if you're not coming that'd help too, otherwise there's the assumption you'll turn up, especially if you're a regular!
Recommended read: RSVP Rant
I will not be attending Cyber Nottingham - October Meetup on
It's a shame as this sounds good, but it clashes with and as it's Hacktoberfest it's going to be pretty busy, methinks!
I will be attending Next Frontier in Front-end Development: Real-time monitoring and alerting on