Recommended read: Allowlist, not whitelist. Blocklist, not blacklist. Goodbye, wtf. Microsoft scans Chromium code, lops off offensive words
Let’s PESOS Passive Posts with Trakt and Last.FM
Recommended read: Let’s PESOS Passive Posts with Trakt and Last.FM
A fairly easy result for #HomebrewWebsiteClub - don't try resending Webmentions (for two weeks) if the target doesn't support Webmentions
Although I don't condone Vim bashing (as a Vim user, and because it quite often tells you how to exit) these are pretty good
Recommended read: How to exit vim
Tomorrow's fun will be reinstalling my laptop to remove BTRFS. It's over a year since I said I would ( but I've not got round to it, and I've messed up my docker install
It's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tonight!
I'm not 100% what I'm working on - it may be finalising my integration, or may be just on my own site!
I will be attending Community project evening! on
Hey @Meetup - further to my comments in is there any news around when you're going to restrict any OAuth apps that are being used by non-Pro members?
Choosing a license for GoatCounter
A very interesting read on choosing a license to protect the author's income, which I get, although realistically (at least) the AGPL has been written to ensure that the end users always get the code, not that the authors are protected.
Recommended read: Choosing a license for GoatCounter
“Release the JJ cut”: the Star Wars conspiracy that offers fans an impossible fantasy
Recommended read: “Release the JJ cut”: the Star Wars conspiracy that offers fans an impossible fantasy
Reminder that it's the first #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham of the decade tomorrow!
Hope to see some of you there for building / working on your personal websites
Been watching #GoodOmens this evening - lighthearted, tongue in cheek, and some wonderful David Tennant
Recommended read: Your Website is Your Castle
Why It's Problematic That Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Retcons the Plot of The Last Jedi
Recommended read: Why It's Problematic That Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Retcons the Plot of The Last Jedi
This Is Why You Always Review Your Dependencies, AGPL Edition
Licensing is hard, especially when projects you use want to protect their end users and have gone for strong copyleft licenses like the GPL/AGPL
Recommended read: This Is Why You Always Review Your Dependencies, AGPL Edition
On Privacy versus Freedom |
An interesting read on creating a extensible platform which isn't truly private, vs a walled garden with true privacy, and the tradeoffs we have to consider.
Recommended read: On Privacy versus Freedom |
We should have an email for each website
This is what I started doing when I got my personal domain all those years ago, as it allowed unlimited aliases and a catch-all address. There's nothing better than seeing some spam coming from an email that tells you exactly who sold/leaked your data.
Recommended read: We should have an email for each website
Yes! Not only that, but the power of the #IndieWeb - I'd recommend coming to a #HomebrewWebsiteClub to work on your website
Week Notes 20#1 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-01-01?
Netlify Billing Request: Extra Bandwidth Allowances (1 mins read).
A copy of an email I've sent to the Netlify team about improving billing for bandwidth allowances.
Changing your name is a hard unsolved problem in Computer Science
Recommended read: Changing your name is a hard unsolved problem in Computer Science
Watched John Wick 3 last night. Great movie, shame we missed it in the cinema - even more ingenious ways to kill people, and we learn more about the underground, too
When MFA isn't necessarily strong
Recommended read: When MFA isn't necessarily strong
Is anyone aware of anywhere that the contract for #Netlify's "Outgoing Webhook" is documented? I can't seem to find it on or
cc @Netlify
Off for a massage so listening to Phaeleh to get me in the relaxed state of mind I need
For anyone who didn't make it to last night's #WiTNotts, I've got you covered as I wrote up my notes!
Women in Tech January - Sensing Change: The Rise of the Smart bins (4 mins read).
Eleanor Tang talks about the work that Eveno is doing to make waste management much smarter.
Recommended read: A brief year in review of my website, domain, online identity, commonplace book, journal, diary, etc.
Joining the Indieweb, the web that's been here all along
Recommended read: Joining the Indieweb, the web that's been here all along
Wifi deauthentication attacks and home security
Recommended read: Wifi deauthentication attacks and home security
Recommended read: My first year in the Midlands
So I started to write a short 2019 in review blog post before realising I should finish my 2018 in review post first.
Woops! It's mostly written, but a bit longer than this years will be
2019's Music In Review (5 mins read).
What music was I listening to in 2019?
20xx Decade of Music In Review (13 mins read).
What music was I listening to in 20xx?
Happy new year everyone! Hope 2020, and the new decade, is kinder to you than this one 🙌🏼
I haven't yet gotten around to writing my 2019 In Review post (and may not until the weekend) but I don't think it's going to be as long as 2017's. I quite like Max's format to keep it short
Recommended read: The People's Web