IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Actuator HTTP Trace Does Not Work With Spring Boot 2.2.x
Recommended read: Actuator HTTP Trace Does Not Work With Spring Boot 2.2.x
#IndieWeb folks using Indigenous for Android ( or at least allowing a Geo URI (geo:51.501476,-0.140634) on their #Micropub endpoint - do you attempt to remap that longitude / latitude ref to a place, or do you currently just render it as-is?
Hey is there any way to see how many API pushes I've got left from the Web/ when it renews? I got a notification saying I was running out, partly due to
Between and I took 9557 steps.
Between and I took 11682 steps.
I'd be interested to hear an answer if you find out - I have a similar post that only seems to come via the same URL
Production Oriented Development
Recommended read: Production Oriented Development
Tbh I'm still using Twitter, just replying from my own site where possible (to own the data) and even when not, I'm using other #IndieWeb tools so none of it is mine per se, but at least all FOSS. And definitely better ownership. I'm looking to soon import all my old tweets to my site, as well as my #Spotify data which I received today for the last decade (via
Technically my reply to this tweet is the latest thing on my blog (see the link at the end) but is the last, super short #blogumentation blog post
One of my own #blogumentation articles saved me today from tearing my hair out, determining why some requests kept being rejected - that's why I do it!
Patch Windows 10 and Server now because certificate validation is broken
Recommended read: Patch Windows 10 and Server now because certificate validation is broken
Between and I took 10522 steps.