Kind replies


Reminds me of when I used to root my phone and had CyanogenMod's PrivacyGuard which once told me Uber Eats was trying to access my microphone when I'd opened the app, not actually doing anything else 🤔


What in particular are you finding difficult? I'm running a Hugo site and have quite a few #IndieWeb integrations


I wasn't happy with how rushed and different the siege of Fowl Manor was, and it felt like lots they were doing was setting up a sequel, than investing in the first film


Not yet, but it did arrive today! Will let you know what the first night was like ☺


Happy birthday Jess 🎂🤟


I thought I was the only one seeing this! Fortunately I've got producing #Microformats feeds so I can still read Twitter from the I want


No, there was no indication anything went wrong, and when redirected back, nothing said whether the transaction had passed or failed


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FYI I've documented this at based on and - this caches the actual ServletInputStream rather than just the bytes that are returned.



cat /etc/*release? Or are those files only Linux based?


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I'm quite heavily into the IndieWeb movement, in which we've designed a new standard Microsub which allows for a slightly better API than "regular" RSS/Atom readers, as it allows for you to use different feed formats on the backend. It also splits between the client and the server quite nicely, so I can use Indigenous for Android when on the move, and Monocle when I'm on the desktop. The best thing about the standard, aside from allowing extensible feed parsing, is that I can use different clients to read it, instead of relying on a single provider - which I believe we've seen with some of the RSS/Atom readers around currently.

The server I use is Aperture, built and run by Aaron Parecki, and I subscribe to a mix of RSS/Atom, JSON Feed and Microformats2 feeds


You can make it work with tools like or (from Ryan Barrett) which help convert to a feed format of choice. Those of us in the #IndieWeb are still heavily using open standards 👍🏽


+1 on AGPL. I've seen a lot of corps have policies strongly against even looking at the README let along integrating the project. And folks who do use it make it better for everyone as contributions are shared 👍🏽


I had "a chat" with a Google recruiter who then started asking a lot of questions I wasn't quite prepared for - but only once 🤷🏽‍♂️


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I'm enjoying the fact that I can enjoy watching it through Anna Dodson's eyes so I don't actually need to play it 😅


Alternatively git config --global push.default current


I want to set up a website for him similar to but deciding on whose domain he sits on is a contentious point with Anna Dodson 🙊 is available in the meantime!


Totally didn't think Anna Dodson was Princess Leia Organa. Nope, Elsa Bartley didn't need to correct me at all 😅


I could've only guessed number 13 because I knew Anna Dodson and Carol Gilabert were so heavily involved in the planning 😂


My #PersonalWebsite is and as I'm very into owning my own data and being part of the #IndieWeb, I'm replying to this tweet from my website!

Site itself is Hugo and hosted on Netlify


Definitely doesn't work like that. I'm posting to this site through my own website, which means I own my content, not Twitter, and definitely not you #IndieWeb


Noise cancelling headphones are wonderful things! Doesn't help for those hearing them on the microphone though 😅


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Thanks for sharing my site! As you say, I'm quite big with IndieWeb, and for readers there are quite a few other folks you'll want to see - and to name just a few.

If anyone is interested learning more about the IndieWeb, is a transcript of a conference talk I gave on what the IndieWeb is


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As shared elsewhere on the site, I am very pro IndieWeb ( and therefore try to do everything via my own site.

I use to syndicate posts from my own website ( to Twitter ( so I'm still owning my content, but I can still interact with folks on other platforms.


Thansk - I have a tweet.js which is 2020-2018. I'll try and re-fetch using the steps in and see what I get


Are you able to install the Ubuntu PPA linked from ? That seems to have 2.6.4 available


Got myself a Dell UltraSharp 27 4K USB-C Monitor: U2720Q which is very nice! Got a much nicer colour quality compared to my other, older, 4K monitor. I'll share a photo of my new setup tomorrow


Sorry, the Alpine one wouldn't be helpful anyway. The Arch package ( has the nextcloudcmd executable, but it appears to need a few other things installed from the package, such as What platform are you running your server on? It looks like the packages are available on for each service - given the Arch package is the "desktop client", it appears that it's possible to install the client on your headless server and still interact with it via nextcloudcmd


That being said, it looks like the Docker example shows that the Alpine package contains nextcloudcmd, so you may be able to pull it out of (or if you'd like I can extract it and send it over?)


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Is the expectation for this that will contain all of the properties? Or could just be the URL/UID?

For instance, I've got a static site, so my Micropub endpoint would proxy a generated file from the site. If I can reduce the amount of properties to add to this, it'd be good, especially if this is really only being used for post listing.


I'm really sorry to hear this - I had a kidney stent put in a couple of years ago, but I was quite fortunate that it was only ever so mild discomfort, although my body at the time was recovering from my ruptured appendix so maybe that distracted me? What have you been given for the pain?


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I recently asked if anyone I knew had one of the new models but got no responses (via my blog, or Twitter).

I've got an XPS 13 9343 and love it - largely form factor, but also the 3K screen - and have been wondering about upgrading recently, in part due to USB-C and fingerprint sensor, not for any other reason.

According to the Arch Wiki entry for the new XPS it's mostly alright, but doesn't seem to have fingerprint support.

May be that it needs to get upstreamed by the folks at Ubuntu.

In case it's a point of interest, the highest-end one has a 4K screen (RRP £1768.00)

I'd say go for the slightly newer one, with the caveat that if you stick with the Ubuntu build it comes with, it'll probably be alright, but if you want to re-install/install a different OS, it'll likely not work as well, and may require a more up-to-date kernel - as I decided to use Arch at the time it meant I always had the latest kernels, so as they added support for the drivers upstream, I was getting them pretty quickly, whereas friends with non-cutting edge kernels didn't have as much luck.

I really do recommend Dell for the XPS based on my existing one, and would be very interested to see how you get on with it, if you do get it, so it can inform my decision to buy one while I'm in quarantine and don't need my laptop to be as functional as I would if I were travelling.


9/11 at the age of 7. As a child of an ex-pat/immigrant in Cairo, Egypt, working for a large American Bank, with a lot of other American friends, I remember knowing something was up when everyone at school was rushed home, but didn't really understand it


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I'm hoping that I'll keep a bit more on top of mentions not being sent, and may even look at scheduling a batch to re-process mentions that haven't sent (although I'm pretty sure I set up my Webmention processor to do that for me)


Yes it was a good chat! Thanks both for it, definitely some food for thought - especially around making folks more comfortable aware when it's their turn to speak!


I've been doing a lot of #IndieWeb things recently which allow me to own my data a lot better - such as this tweet which is actually published to my site first, then gets syndicated to Twitter - been fun for many reasons


Anna Dodson found a pretty good timeline of events that helped with the second viewing because we understood when it was all going on


What sort of binary file? I remember in uni digging into ARM assembly, and the structure of those, but that may not help!


Turns out it was due to a mistake on my part for not reading the docs properly for - this time it should work!


Yes, I think I saw this when I first had the post up, I'd tried to resolve it but it broke on other platforms 😅 I think maybe Slack? But if you've got any thoughts on the right way to fix that'd be appreciated!


I definitely started to over use it after finding out about it last year but it is a pretty nifty thing!


Webmentions are great! They're how I handle all my interactions with my site i.e. under Interactions with this post and there's great support for WordPress and many static sites, among others!


Oh no! Anna Dodson was looking to get one of her own, so is a bit disappointed by the news. How come? Is it that just the island won't transfer, or nothing at all?


I use for my personal servers which have some in Germany but looks like not in Frankfurt unfortunately


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For those wanting a bit more info on the IndieWeb, see the discussion and post on where I shared a transcript of a conference talk I did on the subject


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I use to render my webmentions client-side so they're always up to date, instead of needing to rebuild the site - I've written a bit more about it at


I followed the instructions in which prompts you to update your PATH: PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" which worked wonders, and I now no longer need to prefix with g


Used to but moved to Hetzner as performance and cost wasn't as good, and I had a few issues with downtime - one which left me with a fairly critical server dead for over 24 hours and needed restoring from backups


Can't comment on the Kubernetes angle, but I've been using and have had good experiences - fast, competitive price and no issues with unexpected downtime 👍🏽


Sending hugs 🤗 can't imagine having to go through this alone - I'm lucky to be living with Anna Dodson, and that both of us are quite introverted and enjoy being at home. Hopefully it won't be long until you can see them


This is great! I may have to start posting videos of


You're probably doing something better than us then 😅


Thanks! Glad to hear it helped. The library mentioned at the end of the post has a bit nicer interface, if you prefer, but I was pretty happy with the initial version too


They usually are, yes - given there's been a lot of zoombombing recently I want to get a few things in place before it's fully open for remote - sorry, and hope it'll be available for next time!


Hey Amit I meant to reach out - I think for this one I'll probably keep it as just for Nottingham, but I know the London event is open


Would you consider making a Web client as well? I'd probably opt for Web then Electron if possible, but I appreciate that's probably more work


Sorry for the late reply - yeah I'm up for it! I'd still fancy primarily keeping my slot, just cause I'm a creature of habit 😅


Not only in my bio, but marked up in a machine-parseable way on my website 🙌🏼

Jamie's twitter bio, which shows his pronouns as "he/him"


I keep saying we should watch Mad Max but I don't think that would help either mine or @anna_hax's anxiety


 Reply has unlimited collaborators on unlimited private git repos, as well as a tonne of other stuff built in if you want it 👍🏽


If you go for Zoom, there are official IndieWeb Zoom accounts that should be usable 👍🏽


Last few days I've had an issue where whenever I start up #firefox every tab crashes, and I can't load anything, even the settings. The only fix is to disable sandboxing. But that sounds like a slightly different issue to yours 🤔


Yep this is due to the Strong Customer Authentication regulation that is now in effect as of March 14th - you can read more about it at - but it's implemented differently per bank 🤷🏽‍♂️


Nice! If you manage to come along to #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham we'd be happy to have you to come work on your site 👍 The next one ( is likely going to be a meal out, so will be the next one (but I may make it remote-only due to #coronavirus)


Interesting! I'm glad it's not just me that's noticed it - I thought maybe it was a bad tin or two but sounds like not 😥


Do you mean to replace whatever custom changes you've made with the standard one Linux/Mac uses? If so, maybe source /etc/environment, but not 100% sure that'll work everywhere


On mobile too? That's interesting, I've not found it slow since I moved over a while ago, but not got any recent comparison with Chrome so may not be helpful


I guess it's more that we have development environments to play around with, the staging environment should be treated as prod - ie treat it the same with infra, security, support policies etc.

But that's true - it's better to play in staging than prod!


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Within my team, we use Git flow with 2 person enforced code review before a merge (within a 10 person team). We use the code review to enforce this, alongside any other changes required.

I'm a strong proponent of good commit messages, so one thing I've been doing since joining the team is encouraging this to be better.


My go to catchphrase is "this isn't even my native resolution" 😂 got to enjoy the screen real estate while my eyes can cope!

 Reply is a great resource for this, and is a handy link to share others when they're not able to find the right term 👍🏽


I'm using Hugo and Netlify, backed with GitLab CI. Because I own the platform that is my site, I can do funky things like reply to this tweet directly from my website!


I'd thoroughly recommend self hosting - I use Hugo and Netlify for mine and it works really well. It's also got the bonus that because it's my own site and platform that I can use it as I want, such as replying to your tweet from my website


Aww this was really good!! Gutted to have missed it in person, but glad it's been recorded and I could watch it 🙌


You may want to check out @edent's blog post for how to pull the data from the Goodreads API


I want to say that some of the folks in the #IndieWeb may be able to chime in on this too, as we try to publish events to our sites where possible


Yep, the next one is the 4th March - would be good to see you there!


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Currently, the format of the tokens provided by is a signed JWT (JWS) using HS256.

If we were to update this to be RS256, we could allow clients to treat it as a JWS, not an opaque token that needs to be introspected by the token endpoint.

This could allow clients validating tokens as such to do so much more easily, locally, while reducing load on the token endpoint.

Because token revocation is not widespread at this point, it would enable clients to not need to introspect unnecessarily.


I've been seeing some heavy advertising for Tide's business banking so I guess it's worked cause I'm talking about it, but no clue if it's any good 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think of notes in terms of and them being short form content similar to a tweet (but without a size limit) without a title


FYI in this example you can set this to happen by default


Ooh if you get this working I'd be interested in seeing how you solved it, as I'm interested in doing similar too!


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I did something similar with lots of sq! {SHA} commits until I found out about git commit --fixup which let's you do similar, and then git rebase -i --autosquash it afterwards, which is a bit safer with repos others are working on - there's some more detail on if that helps!


Ooh nice! I've been using for my client-side webmentions and have found it really nice ☺



I'd recommend publishing to your own site first, and then sharing links to it on sites such as Twitter and, and maybe also sharing on but primarily owning it yourself to build up the followers there


That's fair, but I'm used to having the alias gp which would then be gpu or gp -u etc. I'm always a fan of removing unnecessary typing!


You can also use the config in to always push to the same branch upstream 🙌🏼 saving a lot of typing


Sorry to hear that - I think part of it is due to my feed including most things on my site, which I need to fix at some point - if you want to just subscribe to my blog posts, should do it for now!


Ah no - since getting involved in the #IndieWeb I've been trying to use my site as the owner for my content, wherever it's for, and then pushing it out to silos after


In terms of how I get the data? I publish content to my site first, then syndicate it elsewhere afterwards - which mostly happens automagically

I do this even for things like which doesn't have an API so I manually post it with a link back to the comment on my site


Hey which feed? I've got RSS/Atom, Microformats2 and JSON Feed!

All of which are generated from Hugo with custom templates


Can you not just swap out the Desktop Environment you're using without swapping distro?


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I'm not sure I agree. Speaking about your health allows everyone to be a bit more open about everything - one reason I blogged about my ruptured appendix was that it would show others what I'd gone through, what they could learn from it, and understand just how sucky it was for me.

Additionally, speaking about mental health is incredibly important, as most folks suffer from it, just don't talk about it, and awareness of it can help folks get diagnosis / help if they're not aware of it.


I don't think so no. I've done this on my Micropub side, so it stores it in the same content format as the actual post. I guess we'd likely do something similar, or when loading the page pulling that data from Granary?


It's the MF2-JSON that Granary provides, I store that as-is, then render it as I need to 👍🏽


I'd gone in 2017 but not 2018, then went in 2019 and felt pretty uncomfortable as a half Indian man. After being so used to diverse and inclusive spaces it was incredibly jarring, so I'm sorry for how worse it would've been for you!


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Hey the link in this tweet seems to go through to 394. Insights: The future of investing not 396. Insights: Do consumers care about Open Banking?


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I like that with Jeremy Keith auto saves any link from his site to So even if the link itself is broken, it should be possible to find it there.

I like the idea of the site itself trying to fix it.

For some time I had my site fail to build if any broken links were found, but as I interact with more sites, and push more content daily, it's a bit difficult to do that.


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Ah cool, nice to hear! Yeah I think sticking something serverless makes sense - I've gone for the route of deployed microservices just to give me some more experience with them. And hopefully more hosted services can be created if needbe!


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It can also make some of it harder, too! My site is a static Hugo site, but for some of the IndieWeb stuff I either need to add client-side JS or write separate services that can run to ie send Webmentions. It definitely works, but is a bit more work as there's stuff that is and isn't static


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I'd thoroughly recommend as we're using it across both Java-based and non-Java-based APIs, and have found it pretty great.

I know we're not using nearly the power it affords, but it's very good!

You don't need to know that much Scala too, it has a straightforward DSL before you get there


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Thanks, both you and have recommended Pushover and it seems to be OK price and rate limit wise so I think I'll look into it. It helps that I don't need to create an Android app myself to receive notifications, unlike


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No worries - they're every two weeks! They're also more self-directed so being a less-experienced member there is more than ok, but depending on who's there it may be more conversations about what you're doing rather than technical help


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This looks awesome, great stuff! If you want to come work on it with like minded folks, I organise #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham, next event on Feb 5th


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I've been self hosting #Matomo for several years now, and haven't found it too much work, as I've got a really hacky database backup script and otherwise it handles things well - I'd recommend giving it a go again!


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I know we've talked about it in the past, but how do you feel about possibly setting up a #HomebrewWebsiteClub in Lincoln? I've found there's very little organisation required for mine in Notts - generally just turn up and do stuff 🤓


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If you want to build / enhance your personal website, #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham is a great place to get involved, next one is the February 5th


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Awesome to see the first event posted! In case you've not seen Aaron's post there's now a new IndieWeb events site you're more than welcome to still publish the event on eventbrite but would you also be able to publish to there as well, for IndieWeb folks to discover the event, too? Much appreciated!


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Agree that some users won't want to get stuck into it - they're likely also the users who won't be writing raw HTML for their sites.

So what we're doing for them is getting Microformats2 support directly into the themes for WordPress, Jekyll, Hugo, etc, so anyone using it can benefit without necessarily doing any work!


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As shared in a separate comment in the thread, there's the Microformats2 specification (see which reduces duplication seen with some of the other Semantic Web formats.

You can see an example of a parsing result at which produces a standardised structure for the resulting JSON, which makes interconnectivity much simpler.

Us folks in the IndieWeb ( have been using it for some time with great benefit, but it's always great to hear others reactions too!


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Thanks! Maybe "this project is source available, not Open Source. Utilising any code within this project is forbidden." or stating "this project is proprietary, despite the source being available. You may not use it for any reason"


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Hey as an FYI, from your README:

No license.

This repository is open sourced

Without a license for it, it's not technically Open Source, therefore is proprietary and not usable by anyone. It may be worth being explicit!


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I've written about how I added it to my own site at if you'd like more info on how you'd go about it - as my site is built around Git as the source of truth, I simply need to get it committing the changes for me and that's it!


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TLDR: Nearly everyone who wants micropub support writes their own library, endpoint, or whole cms or blog engine.

I believe part of this is because Micropub requires intimate knowledge of how your own site is set up, so unfortunately can't be written as a generic solution, because most folks won't have things set up the same way, even on ie WordPress using common IndieWeb plugins

It's still a good point that maybe we need to look at creating an out-of-the-box Micropub endpoint for some of the common tech stacks.


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Tbh I'm still using Twitter, just replying from my own site where possible (to own the data) and even when not, I'm using other #IndieWeb tools so none of it is mine per se, but at least all FOSS. And definitely better ownership. I'm looking to soon import all my old tweets to my site, as well as my #Spotify data which I received today for the last decade (via


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Technically my reply to this tweet is the latest thing on my blog (see the link at the end) but is the last, super short #blogumentation blog post


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I'm definitely a Hugo person since moving from Jekyll last year - I'd be happy to share any experiences you'd like.

Not sure anyone has linked you to btw, for all the known static site generators


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This is an interesting one, because I've recently been very frustrated with Firefox and captive portals, as it attempts HTTPS first, then ends up retaining HSTS - it's a difficult one to get right though, and I agree that attempting HTTPS first is a better idea.


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I found that writing short blog posts as a form of documentation helps lots with reducing the barrier to blogging, as well as writing one post a day for Nablopomo


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Also doing NaBloPoMo ( ) helped lots as I got used to publishing pretty quickly, which was kinda the point of it, for me at least


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I used to refine things lots, but it meant spending hours on a post that took 5 minutes to read. Long posts I do still refine over time, but generally want them done at most a few days after it's finished being written.

If it's a Blogumentation post ( ) then I'll actively not refine it too much as a long post as the point is that it's for me in the future so if its not as readable I'll just edit it then


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This is a great idea! I'm planning on doing a similar thing to this based on the "Week Notes" that Ton does ie as a visible way of recounting weekly achievements / what kept you busy


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In the last couple of days, I've also added media support for my Micropub server, and have encountered the same issue.

Thankfully the changes to Indigenous are soon going live, but I was surprised not being able to use it elsewhere.

I believe supports it, as long as you're posting it with a note?


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In 2018 I wrote 60 posts (92k words) but in 2019 I wrote 159 posts (107k words). Of those, 41 and 73 posts respectively were under the term "Blogumentation" which I am a huge fan of.

Don't write for anyone else - just yourself!


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I mean, I said that an hour or so ago, but that was before the site had deployed... Turns out caught me out again and isn't fixed until is in (although I've done a temporary deploy from my local machine to get the site up).

Very annoying!


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This is really great stuff!

I've raised an issue on the repo at as I feel this could be a great fit for the project, as it'd handle that syndication for you, instead of you needing to set it up yourself.

It may not be needed by the community, but if it is, there's hopefully a good fit there.


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Out of interest where are you moving to?

Because GitHub is willing to work with ICE but at least GitLab are being up front about their politics?

Although yes I agree they're not amazing


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All my code hosting is on

Static site hosting is on and VPS hosting is on

Although some things that I contribute back to are on


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I work on Open Banking APIs for a UK credit card provider.

A large reason I see that the data isn't made directly available to the customer is because if the customer were to accidentally leak / lose their own data, the provider (HSBC, Barclays etc) would be liable, not you. That means lots of hefty fines.

You'd also likely be touching some PCI data, so you'd need to be cleared / set up to handle that safely (or having some way to filter it before you received it).

Also, it requires a fair bit of extra setup and the use of certificate-based authentication (MTLS + signing request objects) means that as it currently sits you'd be need one of those, which aren't cheap as they're all EV certs.

Its a shame, because the customer should get their data. But you may be able to work with intermediaries that may provide an interface for that data, who can do the hard work for you, ie


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Have you by any chance heard of the #IndieWeb movement? We've got a great group of folks who are looking at what it means to #OwnYourData and #BeYourOwnSocialNetwork

I've written about it and we've got a large wiki too


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I like that idea - automagically parsing the data from a URL is reasonable, and is mostly automatic but a little manual so there's the ability to correct issues (as mentioned in )

Would we also be interested in iCal feed parsing, or just stick with MF2 for now?


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This is really amazing - great work on this!

Out of interest, would there be any interest in the ability to syndicate events from our own websites to so there's a bit less manual process for adding them to the official list?


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Thanks Chris - I'll look into it as both you and Aaron have recommended it.

As an FYI this post didn't send me a webmention and when sending it manually it said no_link_found - not sure if it's a known issue?


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I've been using GitLab for almost 4 years now, largely for reasons stated in but also for all the extra stuff they've built on top over the years.

Originally it was just because of private repos, but evolved into a love of the platform being built in a way that folks can contribute, unlike GitHub.


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As I've gone all in on the #IndieWeb technologies, I've been using @AaronPK's service which supports the open standard, which supports RSS among other formats - may be worth looking into as it's a great protocol for building better readers, even if it's not solving your need right now. Drop me or the folks at a line if you want to talk more about it!


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I've disabled that for now - I actually didn't mean to do that and have since removed it, especially as those pages are paginated so you'll effectively get webmention'd forever as I add more content to that tag


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From me it's a no - I see why some people want it, but would rather prefer they stay out of the already limited space in the commit message title, and there's a level of arguable subjectivity of what an emoji means especially as different teams, projects and cultures have views on it.

But then again, so does written language, but I feel that is at least more known?


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I've received my data from Spotify! Once I'm home and have had dinner, I'll get hacking on it to see what they've got for me and whether I can reproduce my Spotify Wrapped myself, for historic years, too!


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Not really sure what the issue was, may be that has been returning a bit slower than expected. But either way there's now webmention sending after a reboot of my post-deploy service 👍🏽


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I guess it's more that I didn't want to write any posts and then not publish them, because if I've written it I'd rather have it out there than just sitting around, but have felt over the month I need to be careful in case I don't have things to write about?


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What hardware are you running on? I've found it often doesn't work "out of the box" because the hardware manufacturers don't Open Source/upstream their drivers so it can't be released as part of the core distro offering.

It is definitely a pain for users, as it's not like ie Dell would say "don't buy this, it sucks for Linux usage!"


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My Micropub endpoint has a fair bit of unit testing inside the Java project ( ) for common flows, but I've also found a tonne of implementation issues by integrating with real Micropub clients.

Some of it is an issue on a Micropub client, but most of it is something I've missed or assumed incorrectly.

I'm thinking to create a stubbed version ( ) that I can then use with to ensure compliance.

Some of it is also a case of reading through the Micropub spec!


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Interesting. I guess my main thought was whether it was something you could get Okta to only require MFA via Verify, or if you needed to do some hacking around it to make the flow work so you can just log in via Verify?


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Welcome, Matt!

Thanks for blogging about your experiences, it's really great to see, especially because it was through me you've been interested in it!

I'd heavily recommend by as I currently use it on my site and love it because I don't need to rebuild my site to show new Webmentions, although it does mean that my viewers need client-side Javascript.

If you get a chance, come and talk to us on the IndieWeb chat (more details on )


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As an FYI it looks like the issue with minification wasn't due to GZIP but actually the minification of the CSS it does, which would likely replace things like .h-card with a random string


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Although it doesn't help you, Hugo has Archetypes to set up these repetitive and boring bits of metadata for new content types - it makes a huge difference in getting up and running with your boilerplate 🙃


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When doing similar with some changes on my own site, I utilised my RSS feed and sitemap, as they had a full list of my sites content, and then did some checks to validate that the url resolved with my locally built site. Hugely helpful, although the script I wrote was thrown away unfortunately


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I'm probably not the best person to comment on it as I'm used to tweaking my Linux installs and going a more pain-induced way around things, but it's not that bad. It's a learning curve, it's not nearly as polished an experience that you may expect (for some things) but I find it such a better experience on Linux - I use mac daily for work and it constantly frustrates me!


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Rachel's talk 'The power of change - learning to live as a "weirdo"' was really quite amazing.

It's a difficult thing to talk about mental health, especially to those of us who aren't very close to it to understand what it's like, but Rachel knocked it out of the park with a great illustration of what autism can be like in terms of the reality of the spectrum and the many different effects it can have.

We started with a bit of humour and a funny title, but she took us through a journey of autism, ADHD, depression, and spun a really intriguing story.

There was a great mix of humour alongside this serious topic, and I love that Rachel ended with two thoughts - she realised that she didn't want to be "normal" but wanted to be authentic, and that:

no one interesting is normal

I'd urge you to see this talk if you're able to catch it again!


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Regarding our conversation yesterday for OAuth and API aggregation, I mentioned that while working on PSD2/Open Banking we've been doing similar, for instance with a third party who would register on behalf of a fourth party.

I've tracked down as the definition for the way this works with the use of new fields in the Signed Software Assertions (for use with

It may be worth reaching out to OpenID/Open Banking to see if they've got this officially specified about this, or whether this is the latest source of truth you can use

Hope this helps with your hope to standardise this into an OAuth spec!


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Oh sorry - it is up but only responds to specific requests. I've updated the post to note that - worth trying a URL of a specific meetup event - if that doesn't work let me know though!


Welcome to the IndieWeb, Craig! Glad to see it's helped you think about getting to self-publishing all your content, and I look forward to following you (once there's an RSS/h-feed set up!).