Kind notes


Was in a really good position to get an early night - kitchen was sorted, I'd been for a walk, and just as I was heading up, I thought I'd check a couple of things on my desktop. 3 blog posts later 😴


Has anyone used #GoogleCloud Functions with a custom domain name? I've got a project I'd like to be hosted on my domain (for ease of memory) but can't see if there's any way aside from hooking in Firebase #GCP


Signed up for #DisneyPlus, tried to use the app to log in, nothing popped up to say how to use it, ended up having to type out a 32 character password on the TV 😬


Just got an AWS EC2 that had an IP address ending .0 - I didn't realise that was possible?


Hey @BarclaysUK do you do much cross-browser testing? I've just had 3DS fail multiple times when using Firefox, but then succeed on Chrome - pretty frustrating tbh.

Made worse as @eve_sleep then doesn't handle the error gracefully


Just pushed a fix for #MeetupMf2 that meant the cache was not expiring, therefore new events wouldn't show up for you - sorry! The fix itself is now documented at


#ApexLegends crashed and when it rejoined I didn't get any other XP cause I had "0 kills/damage" 😥 did at least get some for the duration, I guess. Shame as I was in the final 2 squads!


Second random outage on my Scaleway server that hosts my analytics server - I guess, after putting it off for about 2 and a half years, I need to finally bite the bullet and move to Hetzner


Waking up to a blaring house alarm, being rudely awakened by the lights at full brightness, and then more house alarms? Yay for a power cut


#Java friends testing using #RestAssured, you may enjoy my article which can help you convert its logs to curl requests, for cases you need to do some manual testing, too


Trying to write three blog posts simultaneously isn't helpful. Got to focus on Week Notes, then my post-deploy changes, then one that I'm pretty happy about for Rest Assured!


We're learning about a large migration Richard Paul did for thousands of domains to Let's Encrypt certs, fronted by HAProxy at tonight's #PHPMiNDS - quite a feat!


One of the reasons I love having #Matomo analytics on my site? So I can find out which companies are using my blog posts, from all the internal URLs showing as referrers 👀


I'm so jealous of everyone who's able to attend Rachel Morgan-Trimmer's talk today at #WiTNotts and experience it for the first time. It's such a raw, eye opening, and hilarious talk, thank you so much for sharing so much with us 🧡


Great point from David McKay at #DevOpsNotts - not having SSH access to a Production system is hugely important for investing in logging/traceability. That was something I didn't really "get" until I was having to support things and realising I couldn't diagnose it as easily (although the key reason for us not having access is to ensure we can't be near customer production data)


Was wondering why the calendar entry for #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham wasn't in my calendar - it's cause I'd got the date wrong on the event (doh!) - it's updated now and I hope to see you there tomorrow


Does anyone know the best way to export all your tweets from #Twitter? The data export I requested from them only has tweets until 2018 but my account is a few years older than that


Best part of getting a new monitor is going through and getting a tonne of new wallpapers!


Folks who follow my blog's #Microformats feed will now see the context (as an h-cite) that is visible on my site, allowing you to have some context for at least interactions with Twitter, but hopefully other stuff in the future!


For folks seeing Twitter notifications from me, I am not stalking you, it looks like I've not sent a lot of responses so they're suddenly appearing now 😅


This note will be published to Twitter, and then have its syndicated Twitter URL updated in the post's metadata when the Webmentions are send, so shortly after seeing this post, it'll link directly to its tweet!


It's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow, which again will only be available for Nottingham folks - apologies in advance! The Zoom link will be available on the Tech Nottingham slack before the event


Woo! Got #Micropub edit functionality working 🙌 is my first update through the API. Next will be getting my syndication links auto updated once syndication is reported as successful, but not one to do tonight


Just had my easiest game of #ApexLegends just now, where most of the other squads lagged out, leaving just 3 including me left, and then I somehow won in the end because even though I was outside the ring, it looks like the other played disconnected first 😂


Made some good progress on my Micropub edit/delete functionality today - hopefully will be in a state to look at getting live tomorrow 🙌🏼


For folks running #Tomcat in Production, you may not be aware that there's an opportunity for it to log (potentially sensitive) cookies out-of-the-box - I've shared how you can resolve it in


The height of a pandemic really is the time for the monitor you use for work to start to play up 🙄 at least I've got the laptop screen


So some refactoring I did in my Micropub endpoint resulted in me breaking it 😅 looks like I have a gap in my testing of how Jackson serialises data


I'm going to say that the paws pressed against my face are there lovingly as we have a little pre-bedtime cuddle

Black cat lying on his side, stretched out, with his paws resting on Jamie's cheek


PSA to folks with washing machines that sit under a counter with a little space on top - next time you're cleaning, pull it out. I've just found a treasure trove of washing up gloves, dishcloths, tubs and a bowl!


I'm really surprised that with all the other amazing stuff Dyson have made, they've not yet made a vacuum cleaner that doesn't scare animals 🤷🏽‍♂️


So turns out that when I said "yes dinner is ready" to Anna Dodson I actually meant "I put it in the oven on the wrong temperature and dinner isn't cooked yet" 😳


And for folks who've rightfully come out of Pauline Narvas's talk at #WiTNotts wanting to start blogging, there's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham which is every other week (online) and is a great space to put two hours aside to blog / work on your website


YES! Pauline Narvas's comment at #WiTNotts about having blogging influence the quality/length of her Pull Request descriptions resonates massively with me. Since doing more blogging / technical writing I've found that my written communication has improved greatly - or maybe it's just more verbose 😅


"Blogging is more (to me) than the amount of views per month.. it can be whatever you want it to be" - great point by Pauline Narvas about how when blogging you shouldn't try to fit the niche - it's something I try to practice too by writing for myself under "blogumentation" #WiTNotts


Just pushed a fix for as it's not handling the Online events very well - it should now respond a bit better


Hey Terence Eden may be of interest to you in relation to (if you've not already seen it) as a way to auto-redirect to the browser client, not the native client


Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow - we're online only on Zoom, and I'll share the link in the Tech Nottingham Slack for Nottingham folks


Putting my washing away while pair programming with a colleague - this is peak working from home!


Been a good afternoon with Anna Dodson working through this puzzle from my birthday - hoping to continue picking away at it this coming week

The start of a 300 piece pizza puzzle, with just the outsides set up Making good progress on the pizza puzzle, with two of the eights complete


Do I know of anyone using (Arch) #Linux on a new Dell XPS 13 9300? I'm very tempted to get one (in maybe a couple of months) but wonder what support is like? Especially the fingerprint sensor


Currently enjoying an opt-in #mindfulness session with the rest of the company - some good tips to help us cope better with everything going on right now, and nice to have continued investment in myself and my colleagues #LifeAtCapitalOne


Great thing about my new Bluetooth headphones? I can pace while attending meetings, because I don't exactly get as much exercise as pre-#coronavirus home working! At least when my video is off, that is


I can now produce platform-aware @-mentions of folks on my blog! For instance Anna Dodson has her URL linked on my site, but her Twitter account when this post appears on Twitter. Read more at


My manager gave the team a mandate to go outside today, so here is proof I was outside - the local prison (the other one, not our house 😅) - with @anna_hax

Outside of a drab prison Jamie and Anna smiling, visibly outside


#HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham is on Zoom tonight, courtesy of the wonderful #IndieWeb organisers - you can find all the events details on


Anyone in the #Hugo community able to give me a hand with ? I'm trying to get pagination working so I have one page per day (with all the posts per day) but I can't seem to get the right incantation, if even possible?


Happy birthday to me! A lovely start to the morning opening cards with a champagne flute of Tango, with the wonderful and #Morph

If you visit my site today you'll notice birthday balloons that I copied from Aaron Parecki this weekend at #IndieWebCamp London

Three birthday cards on a tray, circling a champagne flute that looks like it is full of bucks fizz but is actually Tango


It is with regret (but pragmatism!) that I announce that the #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham anniversary meal on Wednesday ( is postponed.

We'll instead meet on - and will plan to do so for the forseable future.


Doh - just hit the 2GB RAM limit on the VPS that hosts and a few other services I host. Thankfully it's incredibly easy to rescale the instance on @hetzner_online and within a couple of minutes I'm back up and running with 4GB!


Been a great day at #IndieWebCamp London - thanks for some great conversations. Got several things I may work on at tomorrow's hack day, so will have to see what I end up doing



It's about time to demo my personal website at #IndieWebCamp London - I've got some pre-written notes about what I want to talk about on although some of you who know me will know I can talk for ages about my site and the #IndieWeb!


Has Green Giant changed their 🌽 recipe? Cause it does not taste as lovely and sweet any more 😢


Very excited for #IndieWebCamp London tomorrow - it may not be in person due to #coronavirus but the IndieWebCamp events are built to be remote friendly - and regardless of where we are it'll be a great time. We are a distributed bunch, after all


#IndieWeb folks who still interact with Twitter - how do you consume it? Do you use and share it to your ie Micropub client? Do you subscribe to it with your Microsub / Social Reader? Or something else?


Q: What can you do as a consumer?

Answer from Jeremy: Use #Firefox and anti-tracking software Answer from Remy: Don't be a consumer - build for the Web platform, make and share things

Jeremy: Nowadays, having a website is "disruptive" - use that to your advantage!



"Reducing complexity increases chance of mass adoption" - this is the reason that folks are seeing this content on Twitter on #TechNott rather than directly on my own blog.

But the #IndieWeb are trying to make things better - come and help us build a better Web which works for you!


This talk from @adactio and @rem at #TechNott is also really interesting to think about how websites and applications age, and potentially whether someone will be resurrecting something you've built in the future?


I both really like the idea of, and am terrified of, not having a staging environment. Having seen how some folks treat their staging environment, I'd never wish users to experience that in production! #TechNott


Is anyone at #TechNott interested in #PHP? You're in luck, because Thursday is #PHPMiNDS and we've got the awesome @akrabat speaking about Slim 4: PHP's Microwebframework

More details on the website and the Meetup


Very excited for the talks tonight at #TechNott - @NickyWrightson's talk at #DevOpsDays London was really insightful for how to run on-call right, and I've heard great things about the talk from @adactio and @rem - hope to see y'all there!


Old Fashioned followed by a Bramble is a great start to a Saturday 🤙🏽

A Bramble cocktail


A frantic 5 talks in 5 minutes lightning talk from @MrAndrew is exactly what you'd expect from Andrew - but the best part was that you can optimise your quality of life by flushing the turds in your life!

Andrew with the quality of life circle - draw a circle, put a line through it and put people who make your life better above the line and those who don't below it


Not having my headphones at work yesterday really ruined my productivity - it's quite interesting how much I rely on them, and music, to help me focus


It may not be ready by the #IndieWeb newsletter tomorrow, but I'm hoping my web-based Micropub media endpoint upload client will be live this weekend - exactly what would fit for


I was hoping to hack together a little thing to proxy multipart form requests via #Netlify functions this evening, but unfortunately it looks like Netlify doesn't support it, and it's less easy with AWS Lambda so I guess Spring Boot it is!


Throwback to 2 years ago, having my first meal out in public after a couple of months of recovery from my ruptured appendix

Jamie looking gaunt, with long hair and a beard, in a pub, mostly smiling


Just bought my #DevOpsDays London ticket! There are still £99 super early bird tickets at

It's an awesome conference, which I'd thoroughly recommend - you can read about my time at


Has there been a patch for #ApexLegends that I wasn't aware of? It appears that everyone has been nerfed because I'm magically able to not die instantly in games 😅 it can't be that I'm getting better


#BirdsOfPrey was awesome. I'm writing some notes because I'm going to do an actual review of it, because it was so good but has had some pretty bad press. Feeling like I could go rob a police station with a confetti cannon right now!


Just got my first credit card! So of course the best way to prove whether I've got a high enough credit limit is to go to Five Guys 😂🍔


Folks using #Jenkins, how do you manage your jobs? Only through the UI? Or using #JobDsl? If not the latter, would you like a talk on being able to track all your jobs in repo and peer-review changes? While being able to quickly spit out duplicate jobs


The smell coming from Annie's Burger Shack as I walked past it is not helping my hunger!


Been a pretty good start to the day - woke up naturally with Hue, closed off a couple of stories just after standup, and spent the rest of the morning sending unsolicited positive feedback to colleagues and requesting some for myself - amazing what a good start to the day does for you!


I've just published the headlines of my #Spotify data for 2011-2019 on my site - - organised per year, but also with a view across the whole decade! Enjoy a look into my music data #IndieWeb


I've found that the food tonight at #TechNott was even better than usual - is it maybe because there wasn't a huge queue to fight to the precious food?? I guess we won't know until next month, when the Spring Season starts!


I really hope that someone filmed @MrAndrew doing the announcement for #TechNott's seasons - the pace he went through the many awesome speakers lined up was so much fun - a very Andrew explosion of content! 😅


The #TechNott announcement is here - they're running seasons, with three months of amazing speakers planned.

This is yet another thing to show why the tech community in #Nottingham is booming - it's like a monthly mini conference!

Spring season for Tech Nottingham opening slides


As @MrAndrew mentioned at #TechNott, @CapitalOneUK are hiring! Come have a chat about #LifeAtCapitalOne - we've got Software Development, Software Testing, Infrastructure Engineering, Management, Cyber Security and more at


A (good) night's sleep is seriously the best #debugging trick you can use - managed to get a regex right the first time that was kicking my ass all evening yesterday!


I've just received the #Spotify data I'd requested in and am going to enjoy looking through all the data I've got from 2012-2020! I may even publish my own "Year in Review" of music.


Pretty happy with first few games of #ApexLegends season 4 - some good changes to things, map is different and I even played a couple of games with Revenant 💀 - not sure I've sussed him out yet though


Reminder that on Wednesday its #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham! I hope to see you there to work on your personal website - be it new or existing


So I sorted my Webmention sending issue after an incredibly frustrating day of fighting with Jackson parsing my XML sitemap. I'm still not sure what the issue was, as I've ended up replacing my POJO with another one, but 🤷🏽‍♂️ at least Webmentions are sending again


Woops, looks like I broke my Webmention sending yesterday when I upgraded all my versions of Spring / Spring Boot. That'd explain why things haven't syndicated to Twitter today. Film time now, so will fix tomorrow!


I interact a lot with Twitter from my website, and as such the interactions you see are i.e. "Like of @indiewebcamp's tweet" which isn't super helpful. So I've just added the ability to mark up my interactions with some context of what the post was so it's eaiser to see without navigating there.

This is using the awesome and will hopefully make reading Twitter interactions through my site much nicer!

You can see for an example of what it'll look like (including photos!), and for more info from around the #indieweb


Very interesting podcast about #OpenBanking and #StrongCustomerAuthentication. It's nice to hear some other folks' thoughts on what it looks like both as a bank and as a third party #FintechInsider


Hope folks going to #fosdem this weekend have a great time. I decided not to go this year but will have a look through the talks and watch live/once they're uploaded


I've just updated with a note that last night, helped me get the h-feed support in over the line!

It required some changes to return a valid parsed-MF2 location which it didn't up until now (

And I also made a change to render the HTML description from Meetup actually show as HTML for the consumer, as well as rendering a plaintext format (


Woops, after spending ~40 mins working on getting my Webmention notifications ( to send the author's avatar in the notification, I've now realised the Pushover API doesn't support it. Doh!


I've just updated to mention that I've replaced Pushbullet with Pushover for my Webmention notifications service! Looking forward to getting lots of lovely push notifications, again!


Good news: after a week on holiday my body is now waking up consistently at a reasonable time.

Bad news: that time is 0830 when I'm meant to have already left the house for work


What are folks using for free/low cost notifications for personal projects? I know uses and until now I've used, but given I may need to replace it with something more substantial



There are also lots of #HomebrewWebsiteClub events across the world where you can come and build, or enhance, your personal website with something #IndieWeb related - we've got one in Nottingham!


For anyone at #NaConf looking to learn more about owning your data and the #IndieWeb, I recently did a talk about it, with a transcript available at which will hopefully shed more light!


Last night I was dreaming about Mutual TLS. Damn you #PSD2 and eIDAS certs!

Even more surprising that its a few days into a relaxing holiday in which I've not thought about work at all!


Feel like I definitely need a siesta after this Legendary Local #HardRockCafe burger 🍔😋😴 - burger with pulled pork, caramelised banana and the usual burger goodies, with a side of sriracha mayo and seasoned fries

A large burger


Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham on Wednesday!

I won't be attending as I'm in sunny-ish #tenerife, but hope you still meet!


Off to #Tenerife tomorrow with the family for a week's winter sun - hope the weather is a bit nicer than the UK, at least!


#IndieWeb folks using Indigenous for Android ( or at least allowing a Geo URI (geo:51.501476,-0.140634) on their #Micropub endpoint - do you attempt to remap that longitude / latitude ref to a place, or do you currently just render it as-is?


Hey is there any way to see how many API pushes I've got left from the Web/ when it renews? I got a notification saying I was running out, partly due to


Great to see @KrishBhasin championing #Firefox's amazing privacy protection tools, ie Multi Account Containers as a way to limit blast radius of tracking #TechNott

Slide showing Firefox logo and Firefox Multi Account Containers


How can we assume that the layperson can say that they knowingly "opt in" to terms of service when they're incomprehensible, some great points in @KrishBhasin's talk at #TechNott tonight about the privacy implications of online advertising

Artwork illustrating the huge size of Terms of Service between different platforms


Really interesting talk at #TechNott about high performing teams and building safety culture. I'm a huge fan of this, and embracing blameless culture, and now I've got some new tips to apply to it, too! Thanks @tom_geraghty


Very much looking forward to tonight's #TechNott, not least because it'll be the first meetup I'm owning every interaction first from my website in #IndieWeb fashion, as well as converting hashtags to tags on the posts themselves!


Tech and non-tech friends. Please watch The Circle ( for a great look at a not-so-distant future of tech, and the risks if not not kept in check. Very painful to watch as it's so close to reality


With the help of I've now got running locally and syndicating RSVPs from my website to - hopefully it'll be live next week for the rest of the #IndieWeb to enjoy


It's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tonight!

I'm not 100% what I'm working on - it may be finalising my integration, or may be just on my own site!


Reminder that it's the first #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham of the decade tomorrow!

Hope to see some of you there for building / working on your personal websites


Been watching #GoodOmens this evening - lighthearted, tongue in cheek, and some wonderful David Tennant


Watched John Wick 3 last night. Great movie, shame we missed it in the cinema - even more ingenious ways to kill people, and we learn more about the underground, too


Is anyone aware of anywhere that the contract for #Netlify's "Outgoing Webhook" is documented? I can't seem to find it on or

cc @Netlify


So I started to write a short 2019 in review blog post before realising I should finish my 2018 in review post first.

Woops! It's mostly written, but a bit longer than this years will be


Happy new year everyone! Hope 2020, and the new decade, is kinder to you than this one 🙌🏼


I haven't yet gotten around to writing my 2019 In Review post (and may not until the weekend) but I don't think it's going to be as long as 2017's. I quite like Max's format to keep it short


Real shame to see that @Meetup are further restricting their platform by locking down API access - maybe document this better before going through the process to register?

Thank you for submitting an application to access Meetup’s API and authenticate with OAuth2. This process provides a better and more secure experience for all Meetup members. Your request for API Access through OAuth has been denied. In order to be eligible for API access through OAuth you need to have a Meetup Pro Account.


My site is now running Hugo v0.62! Not too painful an upgrade from 0.58.3, given changes in the Markdown parser - - largely Table of Contents related, and one place where I'd not got enough spacing in around fenced codeblocks


I've managed to reduce my site's build/test/deploy pipeline to a total of ~4 minutes (a couple of minutes further than ) but still isn't as fast as I'd like, albeit much better!

May have to see if it's possible to speed up with my own GitLab runner.


Arthur Christmas is such a great Christmas movie - we discovered it maybe four years ago, but it's part of our yearly routine now!


Since setting up the ability to syndicate posts from my website to other sites automagically the other day, I've been manually ticking the boxes in my posting UI, which isn't the best experience.

So I've now got it to automagically syndicate to Twitter any notes (like this one) or interactions such as likes/replies/reposts on Twitter, so folks still on Twitter are able to see the content I'm publishing to my site, too.


No spoilers:

Just seen Star Wars Episode 9 and damn JJ did it - what a great ending to the series. Expect more when the spoiler embargo lifts.

I'd seen some tweets similar to this and was a bit apprehensive but it was so good. Wanna go see it again!


What do all you lovely #IndieWeb folks use to consume Twitter? I'd like to hook some of my favourite people into my reader but not sure the best way to do it


Just trimmed my site's build/test/deploy pipeline's lifecycle from 10 minutes to about 5 minutes. A fair saving but still not as speedy as I want.

My next job is to see whether I can cache the images on my own infra running a GitLab-runner, but I seem to be having some difficulty getting it running with a Unix file socket rather than a TCP socket - a shame because in the past the GitLab-runner has worked literally out of the box


For anyone having issues not seeing #MrRobot Season 4 Episode 11 in their Fire TV / Prime video account, try skipping through Ep 10 until it autoplays 11


Sorry to anyone who's just received a tonne of webmentions from me - I'm tweaking the way the sending works so there are a few new places you may see them come from


This post has been published by my Micropub endpoint (code in ) and syndicated to Twitter via 🙌 #IndieWeb - I'm able to own my tweets from my personal website at and you can too by joining the folks at


I thought something weird was happening - I've not seen any incoming webmentions since Friday from my own posts, and it seems that my webmention sending post-deploy isn't working.

I'll look into that tonight!


Being in First Class on a train is great and all (only £2 more expensive than an open return - bargain!) but they can't make tea correctly. They put the milk in first!!


After seeing my Spotify Wrapped playlist for the year, and some of the usage stats, I think I'm definitely going to be writing an application to get that data out for myself and my own usages


So around ~1312 my server that hosts services such as and but also my Micropub endpoint and other things restarted. Not 100% sure why (as it turns out that the logs didn't persist) but turns out that my webserver ( ) hadn't been configured to restart post-boot, but all the other services had. Woops! Glad I didn't have a tonne of content to push, but it was a bit worrying having no way to resolve it, as I had no laptop to SSH and diagnose.


Hey is the source code for the Web page hosted at anywhere? I was looking to contribute client metadata similar to how Jacky does at

(issue was raised at to implement)


Well, I think I've cracked it - after a few weeks of on-and-off work on making my webmention sending not spam everyone (see ) - it's now not re-sending them if they're successful. This is a good first step, but I'll be improving it to re-send if the post's data has changed since last time it tried (in the future).

Note that this isn't quite done yet, expect it to be live tomorrow perhaps.


Lots of trick or treaters out tonight. So the best thing is to turn the lights low and pretend you're not in.... Right?


Woo, thanks to for releasing an update of the wonderful Android app which adds in a fix to not send multiple bearer tokens in Micropub requests ( )

This started breaking for me when I upgraded my Micropub endpoint to use the spring-oauth2-resource-server module ( ) which is a well-formed OAuth2 server, whereas my previous implementation was not.

Super speedy fix, and glad to be back to using the app again!


I've just updated my posts and to allow it to work with pretty-printing encrypted JWTs (without decrypting) - this was a bit of a pain point of mine I've finally got around to sorting.


Great to see that has realised the error in their ways, even if it was only meant for a small group (but not written as such)

I still think there's some lasting damage there and we should still be looking to build open platforms.


Happy #PronounsDay! My pronouns are he/him/his, and you can read them programmatically on my website (using #Microformats), as described in

It's super important to make them visible so folks everywhere are more comfortable sharing their pronouns


Day trip to London tomorrow, so 4+ hours on the train - hoping to finish my writeup of DevOpsDays London as it was a great conference and I'd love to share it with y'all!


Had a very exciting end to the week.

I'm looking forward to sharing some news on Monday - keep an eye out for a blog post!


So very close to having my IWC Amsterdam blog post finished before WIT Notts - may have to see if I can get the last bit sorted before the talks start!


Nothing like a fire alarm when you're fast asleep to get the blood moving..


It's been an awesome day at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam!

The afternoon was chatting about licenses and ownership, then looking at how to migrate folks from silos to IndieWeb with a long term strategy, then some discussions about events, RSVPs and calendars, and finally all things syndication.

Got some great discussions, and lots of interesting things to play with tomorrow at the hack day!


Interesting start to the morning at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam - we've spoken about accessibility of the Web and IndieWeb, and about how private posts and privacy should work


I'm really enjoying the intros at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam. Its nice to see the range of websites, the technology usages, and that some folks are posting while they're talking while others haven't touched their sites in years.

It's an exciting chance to get reinvigorated!


En route to my first IndieWebCamp (Amsterdam) after a great couple of days at DevOpsDays London.

I'm really looking forward to meeting some folks and talking about owning more of my little corner of the Web, and meeting the faces behind the websites I frequent!


Yesterday I met someone who, after my talk Overengineering Your Personal Website at last year's DevOpsDays London, started building their own website. That's awesome! 🙌🏼


But I also have some tweaks to make sure I render a title for /mf2/ entries, as currently search doesn't help as it's just an empty string returned for things that match


I think at tonight I'm going to write a how-to for setting up your first h-card, similar to


Starting off the week nicely with a massage. May have napped through a little bit 😴


I'm happy to announce that all three instances of Homebrew Website Club Nottingham in October are going to be dedicated to Hacktoberfest! This is super exciting, and I'm hoping to possibly get some extra swag for it.

I hope you're able to come along and contribute back to some of the projects we're all using for our websites, or maybe find something new to play with for your site.

I'll also be looking to create a blog post about what Hacktoberfest is and why you should get involved - keep an eye out!


I want to say a big thanks for everyone who came to this evening to hear my talk about the IndieWeb!

I hope you all got something out of the talk and it's encouraged you to look into it a bit more - come along to for more IndieWeb + personal website building.

I'm looking forward to getting a blog post out, covering it, but that may have to wait until I give the talk at in October.


I've just removed categories as a thing from my website. I'm still using tags on all the content, but categories no longer exist. This is for a few reasons:

  • categories are not Microformats2 markup-able (as we can't distinguish between tags and categories, it's just p-category which we use for tags)
  • categories in the site are not currently hierarchical - although they may be defined as such, they're not presented like it
  • categories are not any more meaningful than tags, as they're almost always the same, or a reduced set, compared to the tags

So we may as well just remove support for them, as they serve exactly zero purpose.


Correctly using bookmarks (instead of reposts)

As I've embraced indie post types, such as reposts, I've noticed that actually I've been using them wrong.

Looking at it appears I've been conflating a "retweet" on Twitter with a "repost", thinking they were the same. Alas, they are not, and it makes more sense to be a bookmark.

I've since updated the posts using the wrong type and will get things right next time!


My first impressions with the Pixel 3A

Last week I replaced my OnePlus 3 with a Pixel 3A.

Both Anna ( and I have been thinking about getting a new phone for a while, but as both our phones were doing fairly ok, and we didn't want any unnecessary expenses, we decided to keep an eye out but not yet get anything.

I'd originally heard about the Pixel 3A on the TechMeme Ride Home podcast ( which sounded really nice.

But then when I saw both Ed George ( ) and Graham Smith ( ) tweeting about the fact that they had just got one, I was very interested. As respected Android devs, I see them both as having done the research and know what they're doing - so it meant that I didn't have to do as much research, right??

I could've waited, in all fairness, but Google did a deal where you got a Nest Home Hub, too, so it meant the phone was effectively £280 instead of £400, and we all know I love a good deal. Unfortunately that it still in the box, as is the Google Home Mini I've got, but maybe one day they'll make their way out - we're an Alexa household currently, but are looking at being multi-platform.

So what are my opening thoughts, one week in?

  • The migration tool was pretty cool, especially being able to just connect up another phone and have it sync, but for some reason my Google Play Store decided not to download anything so that didn't quite work as expected
  • I had rooted my OnePlus 3 so I could get better privacy control over my device, but hadn't used much on the rooting side for a while, largely because Google are making it such a pain to do. I decided I wouldn't root this device quite yet, which means I'm able to use Google Pay - which so far I've done a couple of times and it's been pretty useful, but has just saved me getting my wallet out
  • Battery is much better than my two year old OnePlus 3, and the second day I had it I was tethering + playing music almost all day without it even running out of charge the following morning. Pretty decent!
  • I am however missing some of the convenience gestures I could use from the lock screen - turning the torch on quickly, and controlling my music
  • I'm a fan of the always-on display, especially as it prompts me with the upcoming calendar event
  • The fast charge seems to be on par with the OnePlus Dash Charge - again a big decided in whether I got it or not, as being able to quickly boost battery was very important
  • It has a headphone jack, so I'm happy
  • Booting is super speedy - not that I need to that often, but it's good to have!
  • I'm liking Android Pie, although I'm sad I no longer have the multitasking button so can't toggle apps as quickly
  • I bought an official case, which although a bit pricey was quite nice, and has a good feel to it
  • The camera seems to be pretty decent, from the few shots I've taken of our black cat, Morph

Overall it seems to be going well - hopefully it'll last as long as my OnePlus 3!

EDIT: And something I forgot to mention was that the fingerprint sensor isn't in my location. I'm very used to it being where the home button is on my OnePlus 3, and combined with the placement of the headphone jack on top, it means I'll regularly unlock my phone as I'm taking it out of my pocket, which is quite annoying.

EDIT: I also found the way to easily swap between apps is by swiping on the soft touch buttons, left to right. And by holding it for longer I can skip between multiple apps - nice stuff!


Joining PHPMiNDS' organising team

I'm super excited to announce that I'm joining the organising team for !

Trawling back through the group for PHPMiNDS, I found the earliest time I marked myself as attending was November 2016.

I've never been a PHP dev, although I've dabbled for years. But I've always seen it as a great community, and have been attending for most months since then.

Attending tech meetups has always been about bettering myself, and learning more, and the talks at PHPMiNDS can absolutely be applied to my work, despite it being a different tech stack.

Before Shaun had mentioned to me about looking for another pair of hands with organising PHPMiNDS, and after a little bit of time to mull it over I decided I would definitely be interested in getting involved.

I'm really excited to start to help out Adoni ( and Shaun ( with organising the meetup, and I hope continue making it as awesome for others as it has been to me.


Extending to allow for other post types

Announcing support for posting notes to my website.

Welcome to my first ! Notes are short-form content that will be purely plain text (for now!) and are similar to tweets on Twitter or toots on Mastodon, but won't be size limited.

I've been wanting to creating other post types since starting to use and having a social feed. I've found that I want to interact with other posts, such as like or repost others' content, much as I would do with Twitter.

Discoverability of notes currently aren't super amazing, but I'm tackling it as part of because adding these post types was a large enough piece of work.

With this note, I'll now be able to , , , , and .

RSVPs are an interesting one, because the end goal I want is for my RSVPs to be syndicated from this site to i.e.

I'm hoping to work on bringing support to this site, too, but as it's a static site with and hosted on with a full build/test/deploy pipeline, it'll be a little less straightforward, and slower, than other solutions.

I've designed the content schema to be Micropub-first, as I want to be writing these posts using a Micropub client, rather than my usual workflow. I've made the source files JSON files (which Hugo natively supports) which makes them easily machine writeable - hopefully it'll teach me to prioritise my Micropub support so I don't have to manually write JSON!

In terms of licensing, I'm going to start by them in line with my posts, as , but down the line I may look at other licenses.