Week Notes 20#24 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-06-08?
Keeping Track of Certificate Expiry with a JWKS to iCalendar Converter (4 mins read).
Creating an iCalendar feed for certificate expiry details, given a URI for a JSON Web Key Set.
Why You Should Write a CLI Tool for Your Organisation
Recommended read: Why You Should Write a CLI Tool for Your Organisation https://www.surminus.com/blog/why-you-should-write-a-cli-tool-for-your-org/
pom.xml - Differences between dependencyManagement and dependencies in Maven - Stack Overflow
Recommended read: pom.xml - Differences between dependencyManagement and dependencies in Maven - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2619598/differences-between-dependencymanagement-and-dependencies-in-maven
How to do High-Bar Code Review Without Being a Jerk - Andrew King
Recommended read: How to do High-Bar Code Review Without Being a Jerk - Andrew King https://andrewking.ca/2020/01/how-to-do-high-bar-code-review-without-being-a-jerk/
Richard Marmorstein - Against Process
Recommended read: Richard Marmorstein - Against Process http://twitchard.github.io/posts/2020-03-28-against-process.html
Has anyone used #GoogleCloud Functions with a custom domain name? I've got a project I'd like to be hosted on my domain (for ease of memory) but can't see if there's any way aside from hooking in Firebase #GCP
I wasn't happy with how rushed and different the siege of Fowl Manor was, and it felt like lots they were doing was setting up a sequel, than investing in the first film